Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How to Cook Japanese Curry

I am a Taiwanese, but Japanese curry is one of the most favorite foods for me in this world. Why do I like Japanese curry so much? Besides being delicious, it is also easy to cook. When my mother was cooking this food, I always stood beside her and watched her how she cooked Japanese curry. The required ingredients are chicken, potatoes, carrots, an onion, and a box of curry. The optional ingredient is a tomato. Tomato is one of vegetables that prevent cancer. It is such a healthy vegetable for us. Actually, it is difficult for us to taste tomato after cooking, but all nutrition is inside the food. That is why my mother chooses tomato as well. How do I cook Japanese curry? We just cut everything, chicken, potatoes, carrots, an onion and a tomato. Next, we just place everything that we cut into a big pot. We should at least cook it an hour and wait until all foods become soft. The last step is to put a box of curry in and cook it until the pieces of curry disappear. It is quite easy to cook. Everything we need is to cut and cook. We do not have to use any extra sauces. It is easy and delicious. That is why I love it.